Promoting board members on social media as a way to solicit new board volunteers

Candice Revita-Ramirez is vice chair of the Young Nonprofit Professional Network

Candice Revita-Ramirez is vice chair of the Young Nonprofit Professional Network, a local group of nonprofit professionals who meet to share experiences, resources, and connections to advance the nonprofit field in the Greater Des Moines area. 

The nonprofit focuses on the needs of professionals who are new or a few years into their professional careers.

“These folks are the next generation of the nonprofit sector, ready to address systemic issues with innovative solutions. We want to ensure these leaders have the resources needed to transform the sector,” she said. “YNPN of Des Moines looks to center itself as a community resource.”

YNPN is seeking board applications, and recently launched a personal campaign that feature current board members.

One in 11 Iowans works in the nonprofit sector, Revita-Ramirez said, making it the the second-largest employer next to state government. “It’s imperative that we foster community among, across, and beyond the sector to continue to advance our organizations and their individual missions,” she said.

Most used app: YNPN of Des Moines Facebook and LinkedIn

I’m inspired by: Our communities' willingness to take matters into their own hands through the creation of mutual aid and community coalitions.  

To decompress, I love to: Go for walks and read. Right now I’m reading “Incite! The Revolution Will Not Be Funded – Beyond the Nonprofit Industrial Complex”. Not a topic that induces relaxation but it is one I’ve enjoyed reading. 

On the weekends, you’ll find me: Thrifting, watching anime, and walking my dogs. 

More nonprofit social media marketing ideas and resources:

YNPN Marketing Campaign for new board members featured current member Brooke Westphalen

About the campaign: 

How would you describe your campaign? This was a social media campaign aimed at highlighting the YNPN Board of Directors ahead of the 2023 board applications opening. 

We thought this would be a great way to not only push the “application open” announcement but we could highlight the current board, put faces to names, and give a little insight into why each leader is a part of YNPN. 

We’re not a stuffy board – we’re collaborative, resourceful, fun, and above all else, we’re your nonprofit colleagues who are learning and growing right alongside you. 

What goals did you want to achieve with your campaign? 

The main goal of this campaign was to raise awareness about the 2023 board applications opening up and encourage folks to apply or reach out to the board to learn more. 

Young Nonprofit Professionals Network featured a board spotlight for a social media campaign. This one features Laura Barnett.

We wanted it all to remain personal. We encouraged those interested to read the profiles of the current board and reach out to whoever caught their interest for a chat to learn more about the opportunity. Yes, we could have sent a cold email with a generic message that included the responsibilities of the board and pointed folks to our social media, but that just didn’t feel right. 

How did you come up with the campaign or approach? 

The board and our members are well-connected within the sector, but sometimes our work, including our networks, becomes siloed. We thought it would be great to bring those networks together in a way that was cost-effective and low-stakes. Don’t underestimate the power of digital connection and influence – folks connecting in the comments of a post is important! Katie Sylvis leads our Marketing Committee and was on board when we pitched the idea – having teams in place willing to try new things is the key!

What personally inspired you about the campaign? 

I enjoyed learning more about my fellow board members! While we enjoyed catching up at board meetings and community programs, it was fun to learn even more about them, both personally and professionally. I’m grateful YNPN has brought us together! 

How long did it take to create the campaign? 

YNPN supports young nonprofit professionals and their recent social media campaign for new board members featured current board members, including Katie Sylvis

Not long, Katie quickly whipped up the questions, collected the photos, and had the posting cadence complete within a week or so. Efficient and cost-effective plans are something nonprofit professionals are especially good at. 

 What resources did you use? 

· Facebook, Linkedin, Canva

· Photos submitted by the board 

· Questions created by the marketing committee, which were answered and submitted by each board member 

What were the results of the campaign? 

We’ve had several applications submitted so far - the application window ends May 5! We had several likes, shares, and comments on each post. This is something we’ll continue to do ahead of the board applications!  

How can another nonprofit “steal” this idea and make it their own?

· Gather content from your board members about their reasons for supporting the organization – testimonials are impactful 

· Explore how you can leverage social media to save on costs and connect with larger audiences 

· Determine how to recycle content for future initiatives that need special attention 

What tips do you have for someone launching a similar campaign?

Keep your bids for connection personal and simple – for YNPN, it is about the people and community connection, and it was a no-brainer to lead with our people! 

Have a “steal worthy” campaign that another nonprofit could use? Submit your campaign to share with the Nonprofit Storytellers community by filling out this form. If selected, we’ll send you a Q&A to fill out.


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