Resources every Iowa nonprofit should know about

A number of resources are available in Iowa to support the charitable work of nonprofits operating in the state.


  • Check this calendar for workshops, events, deadline and more. Learn more.

  • The Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center at the University of Iowa was founded in 2000 to support the growing nonprofit sector in the state and offers a number of resources. Learn more.

  • The Iowa Nonprofit Awards celebrates the “exceptional practices, achievements, and impact of nonprofit organizations and professionals, philanthropic organizations, national service and volunteer programs, and local collaborations.” Learn more.

  • Volunteer Iowa helps nonprofits leverage their volunteers and make a greater impact. Learn more.

  • Iowa Nonprofit Alliance is a statewide association for nonprofit and associations. Learn more.

  • DMACC offers online nonprofit administration certification as well as online, self-paced trainings for grant writing. Learn more.

Central Iowa / Des Moines

  • GIVEdsm offers nonprofits an opportunity to raise money through an online campaign platform hosted by the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines. Learn more.

  • Have technology issues? The dsmHack offers nonprofits an opportunity to improve or update their website or improve their technology needs for free. Typically held in the spring each year. Learn more.  

  • The Grant Professionals Association of Central Iowa offers resources, networking, training, and more for grant writers. Learn more.

  • Iowa State University offers grant writing workshops (learn more here) as well as a graduate-level course in grant writing. Learn more.

Northeastern Iowa / Cedar Falls

  • The Community Foundation. of Northeast Iowa, based in Cedar Falls, offers a number of resources to nonprofits, including grants, leadership development and volunteer management . Learn more.

  • The Cedar Valley Nonprofit Association serves nonprofits in Northeastern Iowa. Learn more.

  • University of Northern Iowa (UNI) offers a nonprofit leadership certificate. Learn more.

  • University of Iowa offers a nonprofit leadership and philanthropy certificate. Learn more.

    Western Iowa / Council Bluffs

  • The Nonprofit Association of the Midlands offers resources to Nebraska and Western Iowa nonprofits. Learn more.

Have a resource that could benefit a nonprofit? Let us know and we’ll share it with the community! Email me today. (If you are a business that provides nonprofit services, please check out our sponsorship opportunities).


11 free or low-cost nonprofit marketing resources and digital tools


April 2023 Social Media Holidays to celebrate on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others