The Nonprofit Storytellers Podcast interviews leaders who are seeing results

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Welcome to the Nonprofit Storytellers Podcast, where we interview nonprofit and association leaders on how they are sharing their story. Their outreach, fundraising, and marketing efforts.

I’m Mackenzie Walters, a national award-winning journalist-turned-consultant, and I believe that sharing stories is the best way for someone to learn, understand, and apply an idea or approach.

That’s why I started this podcast, as I meet amazing nonprofit or association leaders who are rallying people to their mission or cause. And they’re making a difference.

Maybe they’re launching a new initiative or program, moving the needle through a social change campaign, or serving their members and communities in ways that invite more people in. They’re doing it strategically and intentionally.

On the podcast, I’ll be introducing you to leaders in the broader not-for-profit community. And I’ll be asking for specific examples, as well as tips and advice, that you can learn and apply.


When I was a “cub reporter,” just starting out in my career, I was hungry for the “story behind the story.” I wanted to know and understand how others were doing it. Which is why I want to go behind the scenes and talk to others who are in your shoes in other organizations.

We’re also sharing free resources and articles, including the Steal Worthy Campaign series, on our website,

I want you to learn from others success. Don’t miss an episode or article, sign up for our newsletter.

Until next time, keep sharing your story.


How does your nonprofit share its story through marketing, fundraising, or outreach? Consider sharing a how-you-do-it story on the nonprofit Storytellers podcast. Submit your nonprofit’s story by filling out this form.


How a nonprofit’s storytelling campaign tripled donations after featuring personal stories of their clients and supporters


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